
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Subtle slap on the face

Have you ever tried being friendly to someone belonging to the opposite sex? You are friendly for the right reasons, someone to share your interests with, especially if you're like me who have the most unusual interests. Finding that someone is rare, and therefore should be reinforced.

You finally start experimenting with the possibility of friendship. People around you seem to put malice as you are both somehow similar and therefore (as to conform to the norm,) "would look together as a couple." You shrug the thought as you are not after that, and besides, your heart continues to beat for someone else.

However for some reasons, after agreeing to have joint plans and interests, he blocks you in the face in the most subtle way as possible. That, my friend is the most embarrassing turn down ever. You both have an understanding in some levels that he is rejecting you. The worst part is, the girlfriend is in the picture. Apparently, even after you have agreed to do things together, the girlfriend decides to volunteer her time and effort to do it for you. Just so that we don't have to do it together. Now, think the worst is over? not my friend. You have to put up a face of nonchalant yet seem genuinely happy about it too. You try to ease the tension between you by redirecting the conversation, however, things are not looking as well. Sooner or later, you find a lame excuse to end the conversation and walk away, shame-faced in the interior.

You try to reduce the clouding feelings you have by opening up to someone you trust, and ranting how embarrassed you are. They give you a perturbed look not knowing how you manage to take offense to such change of plans. Deep inside, you know that you are severely affected because of the fact that you were thought to be a threat to someone's relationship. Hence, further exposure to you should be halted with the girlfriend's need to interfere.

You pen everything down to further comprehend what has happened.

Yep, a button is pushed; you've been rejected.

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