
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Online articles are now the life bible of may individuals.

Reading articles online about love makes me queasy. It's unsettling how these surge of online articles somehow made it into "life guides" instead of interest reads. I for one is a victim of that.

They give you a feeling that they know you, your deepest desires and secrets, and they will tell you what is best for you. How can you not trust them? The authors, after all are drawing the inspirations from their own lives. Well, maybe not all of them.

Regardless, for victims like us, we end up getting either affirmed or threatened after reading their work. For one, they seem to shake up our perceptions and emotions about our love life, career, or even life in general.

The biggest boggle I have, will probably about those love articles. Am I really that inexperienced when it comes to love? How is it possible that some authors manage to draw the unspoken sentiments I have? What frustrates me sometimes is the capacity of those messages to confuse me.

I know I cant be the only one who is drawn to click those links about love. I am in a relationship. If you are looking for, or waiting for one, they you'd also find yourself wanting to read about it. Hoping that the answer to your problems would be in that article.

although sometimes, the opposite happens. You may be very contented and relaxed about your relationship, but reading the article just gives you dark clouds. Really dark clouds that makes it difficult to look at the same things differently.

Does it mean that the authors successfully plucked a string? is it guilt?

I needed to step back and take a broader look. These people are not relationship experts. We have different cultural and belief backgrounds, then why am I seriously confusing myself with their words, as if I am choosing my life guide bible verse?

Sure, they maybe correct in some aspects, but at the end of the day, it would be me who would know best. I value the different information that surrounds he, helping me decide better in life, but can't I just not worry and let life unfold before me?

Why do we all feel anxious about the future? Why do we always want to identify and place what we feel, or our status?

I guess, the answer to these questions is very simple; we want to reach the state of peace of mind. Oh well, I guess that is my life's goal. I'm pretty sure it will be far from reality just yet. For now, taking a step back from reality and haze, and scribbling my thoughts will have to set everything in perspective.

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