
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A caring netizen

Imagine that you are a hot prince/cess and you're having all eyes on you when you are about to take shit. You cant go because you feel akward with all the people staring at you expecting you to look perfect and pretty, but all you want to do is really, just shit. Not a likely scenery for them. Well thats kind of the story of my life right now.

I cant remember the last time I allowed myself to be really mean and out. The last time I didnt care about what others will think of me, after I delivered a sarcasm or a diabolical insult. I have that bottled in my chest right now. I managed to collect all the anger and now its trying to tell me its gonna spill. I am so annoyed with someone right now. No, make that some people. Why do people have to post every single brain fart they have in the internet? 

Who cares if you missed watching the tv? If you crave for a big fat burger? if you can't decide on what movie to watch by yourself? Who cares??? Will posting it on the internet magically generate solutions for you?

So maybe you found comfort posting on the internet about your emotions, like when you get a new haircut that makes you look like a troll, or when someone dies, or when you begin dating someone, or when you break up. thats fine! but please dont abuse it! We get fed up getting updates about your moods, dude. We are not your effin therapist. Go tell your bestfriend or your family instead, please. 

Lastly, your egocentrism is making you very insensitive about others. A good news to you might be bad for someone. I know what you'll say, its your account, your way. see? I'm right. Egocentric. 

You have every right to do what you want. Post what you want to post, announce to the world the most irrelevant things you give uttermost importance, you can do all of that. Just be prepared for the consequences, and for you specifically, looking like a douche. 

This post is intended to make you feel pathetic that

but the truth is, I do care. I am so annoyed with the fact that I'm bothered and I am so mad at the fact that you don't care about it.

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