
Friday, May 18, 2012


Many occassion-, ocassion-,  occasions (there!) we find ourselves running. From what, well it varies. Me, One of the many things I run for is to get to the 'moved on' lane. See, I'm not the most optimistic person, in fact, I am quite pessimistic. 

Recently, I've read this article in about getting over a break up. Intrigued lured me to see if I could pick something from it.

  1. Allow yourself some periods of ground-hugging, but with constant reminders that you eventually have to get up too. Check.
  2. Always keep in mind that it takes two to tango. There were times that I asked myself where I went wrong, why wasn't I good enough to keep our relationship going, despite that my former partner refuse to let me take all the blame. It took me time to stop hating myself for this. 
  3. When both of you are sober and the tears have dried, talk about were the two of you went wrong. It may be too late to contemplate and regret the past, but it will definitely set the two of you free. The sole purpose of this step is to let go of the 'what if's and confusions that the two of you may have. 
  4. I admit that there were tons of times (until now) that I contemplate about him and the dead past. It was not always easy to get through this, considering the comfort it used to give me. But at some point, I had to consider doing things that will put me in advantage. Those few seconds (or hours) spent on sulky thoughts of the dead past can rather be spent in productive activities . 
  5. Escapmechanism isn't my thing, so at first, I thought that if i try to avoid the thoughts of him, that'll be escaping, However there's a fine line between bravery and indulging. I spent my time forcing myself to be as productive as I can, no matter how breaking I am inside. Eventually, it started to be a part of my system. 
The big question: Am I over it?


I'm not rushing though. 
I can say I have done well so far in coping in this breakup process. I have reached a long way already.I still find myself thinking about it though. At some points, I stumble in this run. 

So how to know if you're over the break up?
  • When you stop hoping to be together with the guy
  • To finally accept that the relationship is a part of the past already
  • When you are done hoping to be someone's girlfriend / boyfriend.

One good advice that the article missed was to keep a steady relationship with family, friends, and most especially with God. It has made what I used to think would impossible to happen. Looking back (which isn't really that long time ago,) I still am in awe that I've survived those gruesome days.   

Its time to step back up and keep walking till I can run again.  Until then, keep your face to the sunshine! 

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