
Friday, March 28, 2014

The stars are from the past

As I lay down on to sleep, my eyes lazily gazed out the window. I couldn't help but notice the only star visible in my window sky. Without any warning, I found myself throwing silent thoughts all at once to my limited mind; "is there someone out there looking at the same star right now?" "You are not even as bright as the star I love to gaze at, but why are you special?"

But the most important one is; "stars are light years and light years away." If you think about it, looking at the stars is looking at the past. The moment your eyes conceives and perceives the twinkles of the stars, it has already happened way way back, it just, well, took years to cross.

Stargazing, therefore, is looking back to the past. 

The same way I did just now. Having made that conclusion in my head, I was urged to look back at my entries in this blog. I haven't changed much, but have changed so much at the same time.. I loved the nostalgia when I read from my past. I didn't know its possible: to be happy but equally sad at the same!e time as I look back. Happy, because I've come so far and seen some foresight problems then come to resolution. Sad, because I have lost some friends,  things and opportunities  along the way.

There will come a time that I will look back to this day and feel the same (or probably much evolved) emotions.

Until then, I am very very relieved that I chose print to make memories.

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